On October 14th 2005, the second plenary session of Texweave was in Milano, in the meeting room of SMI and ATI (italian textile and clothing industry associations), viale Sarca 223.
Texweave is a standardisation initiative of CEN (European Committe for Standardisation), promoted by Euratex (European association of the Textile Clothing industry). The kick-off of TexWeave was in March 2005.
The aim of Texweave is the definition of a common reference model for the data exchange (and enterprise networking) in the European textile clothing industry.
In the past another initiative, TexSpin, was promoted by CEN and Euratex in order to start the construction of an European common language;
presently, with Texweave, Euratex and CEN intend to improve that experience, covering new aspects of the supply chain and beginning to face the issues of cross-sectorial collaborations (towards footwear, furniture and automotive industry, for example).
TexWeave is a technical initiative of standardisation but is also a propositive action of the European industry aiming at maintaining its leadership through an higher capacity to be a flexible and reactive network.
During the meeting the first results of the workgroups were presented together with case histories and an overview of the european scenario in the field of intercompany and cross-border collaboration processes.
Furthermore the most recent results of the eBusinessw@tch project were presented.
eBusinessw@tch is an observatory promoted by the DG Enterprise & Industry on the issues of the impact of eBusiness on specific sectors, including Textile/Clothing, and on the contribution of standards (in 2005 a specific study was realised addressing standards in some sectors, including Textile).
Hosting organisation:
Lorenzo Masanti, TEXTILEITALY, Tel. +39 02 64114132, Fax +39 02 64749042,
Email: l.masanti@textileitaly.com.
Davide Corradi, TEXTILEITALY, Tel. +39 02 64114130, Fax +39 02 64749042,
Email: d.corradi@textileitaly.com.